Someone whose primary responsibility is to carry out the Management Process (planning, organizing, leading & controlling).
Also, Not only these four functions but also managers are always doing many more activities. Such as taking responsibilities, financial, etc.
Top-level managers are responsible for the overall performance of the organization. They establish operating policies and guide the organization. Also, they set goals and objectives.
Ex: CEO, BOD, Chairperson
A large group that implements the strategies developed at the top management.
For example Managers
Managers who supervise and coordinate the activities of operating employees. Also, they are involved in the day-to-day activities of an organization.
For example Assistance, Supervisor
Ex: Top-level – Chief Marketing Managers, Marketing consultants
Ex: Top-level – Chief Financial Officer, Finance consultants
Ex: Human Resources Managers
Without long-range plans, managers cannot operate effectively.
A plan for each day’s work:
Here they consider duties and responsibilities, team or group activities, communication channels, and so on. Managers should carefully define what is to be done in each job.
This means conducting the team by influencing the employees to perform the job in a written way. They should motivate employees and create an environment that makes employees work efficiently.
This means a method of checking up to find what has to do and what must complete. Because of the dynamic environment and new competitors are coming to the market, a business should control.
And also the manager must know about employee’s performance rates.
Interpersonal means relationships with others and human skills. This is all about how managers can manage people to achieve organizational goals and objectives.
Management means a set of activities directed at an organization’s resources to achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively.
Find out moreA group is a collection of individuals who have regular contact and everyday interaction, mutual influence, a common sense of comradeship, and who work together to achieve a common set of goals.
Find out morePlanning is a core area of all the functions of management in an organization. This is a foundation and based on those other three functions built.
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