Who is a Manager?

Who is a Manager?

Someone whose primary responsibility is to carry out the Management Process (planning, organizing, leading & controlling).

Also, Not only these four functions but also managers are always doing many more activities. Such as taking responsibilities, financial, etc.

Types of Managers by Level & Area

Types of Managers by Level

Top Level Managers

Top-level managers are responsible for the overall performance of the organization. They establish operating policies and guide the organization. Also, they set goals and objectives.

Ex: CEO, BOD, Chairperson

  • Middle Level Managers

A large group that implements the strategies developed at the top management.

For example Managers

  • First line Managers/ Lower Level Managers

Managers who supervise and coordinate the activities of operating employees. Also, they are involved in the day-to-day activities of an organization.

For example Assistance, Supervisor

Types of Managers by Area

  • Marketing Managers

Ex: Top-level – Chief Marketing Managers, Marketing consultants

  • Financial Managers

Ex: Top-level – Chief Financial Officer, Finance consultants

  • Operating Managers

Ex: Human Resources Managers

  • Other Kinds of Managers – Ex: project Managers

A Manager’s Role towards Management Process

  • Planning

Without long-range plans, managers cannot operate effectively.

A plan for each day’s work:

  • What is to be done and why do it?
  • When is to be done and how will it be done?
  • Who is to do the job?
  • Where should it be done?
  • Organizing

Here they consider duties and responsibilities, team or group activities, communication channels, and so on. Managers should carefully define what is to be done in each job.

  • Leading

This means conducting the team by influencing the employees to perform the job in a written way. They should motivate employees and create an environment that makes employees work efficiently.

  • Controlling

This means a method of checking up to find what has to do and what must complete. Because of the dynamic environment and new competitors are coming to the market, a business should control.

And also the manager must know about employee’s performance rates.

Basic Managerial Roles and Skills

The three Interpersonal Roles

Interpersonal means relationships with others and human skills. This is all about how managers can manage people to achieve organizational goals and objectives.

  • Figurehead – Perform ceremonial and symbolic duties such as greeting visitors, signing legal documents and so on. Ex: Bank Manager
  • Leader – Direct and motivated, subordinate and directly communicating about the organizational goals and objectives.
  • Coordinator – Maintain information links both inside and outside of the organization by using e-mails, meetings, phone calls and etc.

The Three Informational Roles

  • Monitor – Seek and receive information, prepare reports and maintain personal contacts.
  • Disseminator – Forward information to other organization members through memos, reports, agenda and phone calls.
  • Spokesperson- Transfer information to outside parties through speeches.

The Four Decisional Roles

  • Entrepreneur – Initial improvement project, identify new ideas and explore new things.
  • Disturbance Handler – Take corrective action to solve a conflicts fights between subordinates
  • Resource Allocator – Decide who gets resources schedules, budgets and set priorities.
  • Negotiator – Represent departments when negotiating with Trade Union, Suppliers and so on.

Fundamental Management Skills

  • Technical – skills necessary to understand or achieve the specific types of work.
  • Interpersonal – the ability to communicate, understand and motivate both individuals and groups.
  • Conceptual- the ability to think in a abstract.
  • Diagnostic- the ability to envision the most suitable response to a situation.
  • Communication – the ability to convey ideas and information effectively and to receive ideas and information effectively.
  • Decision Making – the ability to identify and define problems and opportunities correctly and select appropriate course of action to solve the problem and capitalize on opportunities.
  • Time Management – the ability to recognise work to work efficiently and to assign appropriately.