What are the Strategies for Improving Health & Safety?

What are the Strategies for Improving Health & Safety?

Strategies for minimizing Occupational Accident

  • Environment design Have to design the work environment in a safe manner. Here we should store dangerous types of equipment and tools in a separate place. Request employees to use safe equipment. Such as helmets, eye guards, boots, gloves, and nail guards.
  • This may include attacks by humans or animals, acute poisoning, insect bites falls and traffic collisions.
  • Floor Cleaning should maintain a clean floor. It should not be wet. It is best to follow the daily floor cleaning method. Because of that organizations can reduce the number of accidents. From this, they can ensure safety within the organization.
  • Maintenance Should do repair and maintenance of machines frequently. Should follow a maintenance plan. Through that, they can avoid corrective maintenance and accidents for the employees.
  • Continues Inspection Before and after working, regulations should check machines to identify whether those machines are working or not. For example, cleaning dust, checking oil levels, and so on.
  • Safety Training and Education. HR division can provide training to prevent accidents. Such as fire training. Here can take machine operators' involvement to do machine maintenance work. Because of that, they will operate the machine more carefully. Also, here high management should allow their workers to participate in these types of training programs.

Strategies for minimizing Occupational Diseases

  • Medical Examination. can conduct medical test annually, semi annually, quarterly and so on. So participation of every workers are very important.
  • Physical fitness program. Conduct various exercise sessions for workers. Such as gymnasium, yoga classes, etc.
  • Health Education. Doctors conduct seminars and workshops to provide health education for workers.
  • The enclosure keeps such hazardous things away from every employee. It is good to use a separate place for that.
  • Maintain Sound Physical Working Conditions such as ventilation, lighting, and air conditions.
  • The most common diseases are allergies, sun and chronic obstructive diseases, strain diseases, hearing loss, and cancer.

Strategies for minimizing low quality of work life

  • Redesign jobs by considering both efficiency elements (standardization, specialization) and behavioral elements in order to ensure a proper balance.
  • Apply job enrichment. Give power to plan, do and control the job.
  • Obtain opinion, suggestions, and comments from employees before making decisions. So from that employees identify that they have some values within the organization. 
  • Job satisfaction level directly link to that. Such as working environment, work responsibilities, job security and so on.
  • Also low quality of work life result high turnover rate. 

Strategies for minimizing Organizational Stress

  • Stress is silent killer.
  • Ensure job security of the employees. So it will help to reduce their stress to a certain level.
  • Provide training to reduce stress. Because of the good training programme workers learn to do their job in a proper manner.
  • Also flexible working hours, work from home, remote working, part time working facilities help them to balance their work life.
  • Ensure Career development and give facilities for that. Career development is a series of job that one person perform within his work period. This also helps to reduce their stress. Because they know that they can value in return for their performances.
  • Give fair and sufficient usages of salaries. So it will help to make their life easier. Because no need to worry about earning extra money.