Do You Know About Performance Evaluation Process

Do You Know About Performance Evaluation Process

The Employee Performance Evaluation process has 10 steps. you will get an idea about those steps in a brief manner.

1. Establish Objectives of EPE

Objectives of the performance evaluation should be clear, understandable, and attainable.

For example to measure the current level of the job performance of each employee, to identify training needs of each employee, to identify strengths and weaknesses of each employee, etc.

2. Formulate Policies of EPE

Policies mean guidelines of performance evaluation. Here organizations should have set guidelines.

  • On whom should PE be done?                                                                                                     Here firstly, should identify what kind of employees should choose to evaluate. Are we evaluate only for selected group or for all employees within an organization? As a selected group evaluation team can consider based on departments, permanent carder and so on.
  • When should PE be done?

Secondly, they choose the period to do the evaluation. To select that schedule there are 3 types of approaches.

  • Fixed time approach – In every year they can choose certain time period and do performance evaluation for every employee who are in the organization.
  • Arbitrary data approach – They use different time periods for different employees to evaluate their performance.
  • Job cycle approach – once the employee complete one given task then evaluate the performance.
  • Who should do PE?

Here organization should decide who conducts the evaluation program. Also, the evaluator may be an immediate supervisor, subordinate, set of supervisors, etc.

  • How often PE should do?

Finally, they should decide the frequency of the evaluation. Are we do the evaluation process monthly, annually, once a year, or twice a year, etc.

3. Establish Criteria and Standards

Criteria mean factors that are used to evaluate employees and Standards mean the scale of rating.

Performance evaluation criteria have some special characteristics. Such as,

Relevance – Criteria must be logically related to the actual output.

Sensitivity – Criteria must be able to reflect the difference between the high and low performance.

Practicality – Criteria must be measurable. So It makes work easy.

Unbiased – Criteria should be based on the characteristics, not the person.

Relevant – it should be reliable and valid

Multiplicity of Criteria

When an organization develops criteria these 3 must include in the same manner.

  • Traits – Personal qualities or characteristics the employee process. For example trust, loyalty, honestly, etc.
  • Behaviors – how the employee acts when they perform the job. For example attendance, punctuality, etc.
  • Result – Simple output produce by the employee.

For an effective PE, you have to have both objectives and subjective criteria. PE criteria can be classified into two categories. Those are,

  • Objective criteria – They are quantifiable criteria. This criteria’s are easy to measure and verify. Such as number of outputs for a month.
  • Subjective criteria – Those are factors of evaluation that are not quantifiable. Those are difficult to measure and verify. For example customer satisfaction.

Ex: University lecturer

  • Objective criteria – number of lecture hours conducted by the lecturer.
  • Subjective criteria – interaction between students.

4. Select methods of EPE

The different organizations used different methods to evaluate performance.

  • Graphic rating scale –

This method is the more common method used by the manager to evaluate their employee’s performance. Giving marks according to the standards. The value of a graphic evaluation system is that it allows managers to compare the performance of several employees at At the same time. This method can continue with numbers or letters. Also, this method usually consists of a range and running from poor to excellent.

  • Checklist method –

A checklist evaluation method is smart but it is effective. This method consists of a series of performance questions that are usually assumed the selection of yes or no. The more negative answers show developmental training is needed for that employee. Also, a checklist can be used as an easy way to identify employees that have shortages in too many performance areas.

  • Self-evaluation and Discussion method –

This is a self-evaluation method that is regularly effective when teamed up with a performance review. In this method, the employee is asked to judge his performance by using a form that requires multiple choice answers, essay-type answers, or a combination of both types. Here the main advantage is managers can compare the self-evaluation according to their consideration. Also, can see the areas where there is a difference in an understanding of employee performance.

  • Essay appraisal –

Simply ask to write an essay relevant to the personal performance such as strengths, weaknesses, past performance, potential, and suggestions for improvement. The written essay requires no complex forms or extensive training to complete. But the results normally show the ability of the writer.

5. Design Evaluation form and Procedures

Here make the procedure as a document. After that evaluator uses that document to evaluate the employee performance.

6. Train Evaluators

Organizations give adequate training for the evaluators which can use to evaluate employee performance effectively.

7. Appraise

The evaluator is expected to evaluate the actual job performance to achieve free established objectives in accordance with policies formulated, criteria established, the method selected, form, and procedure design.

8. Discuss Employee Performance Evaluation Results

The organization gives feedback to employees. So they can easily recognize their strengthens and weaknesses. For example, some companies have performance feedback interviews.

9.Make decisions and store

Discuss employee performance results.

Based on the performance result organization decide whether they give promotions, motivation programs, etc.

10. Review and Renewal

Finally, review the works whether tasks are fulfilled perfectly. If they found weaknesses from the evaluation, they can take action to correct those weaknesses.