Motive is a reason for doing something.
“Motivation is concerned with the factors that influence people to behave in certain ways”
Motivating other people is about getting them to move in the direction you want them to go in order to achieve a result.
A needs-related model of the process of motivation is shown below.
These needs create wants. Which are desires to achieve or obtain unsatisfied needs. Then Goals are established to achieve these needs. Also behavior pathway is selected which it is expected will achieve the goals.
Goal Specificity – the degree to which goals are material and open to one interpretation.
Goal Difficulty – Hard goals are more motivating than easy goals. However, these difficult goals are achievable.
Goal Acceptance – Commitment and participation
Employee contribution to achieve a specific goal.
Feedback – Get information about how well they are doing their job towards goal achievement.
Job design for motivation
Job can identify as a unit of work that a single employee is responsible for performing.
Also, employees get rewards and meet their needs.
Job rotation – In here, systematically rotate employees from one job to another. As a result, they will improve their working knowledge and get more experience.
Job enrichment – This is a well-known job design method. Job enrichment is a process of redesigning the job by adding dimensions to existing jobs to make employees more motivated.
1. Intrinsic Motivation – people are motivated by themself to satisfy their needs or to achieve their expected goals. So they are not imposed by others. This happens because of the quality of the working life. These factors include
2. Extrinsic Motivation – what is done to or for people to motivate within the organization. This motivation type includes rewards such as promotions, salary increments, punishments, etc. This has an immediate and powerful effect.
A group is a collection of individuals who have regular contact and everyday interaction, mutual influence, a common sense of comradeship, and who work together to achieve a common set of goals.
Find out moreSomeone whose primary responsibility is to carry out the Management Process (planning, organizing, leading & controlling).
Find out moreControl is the combination of different activities of regulating organizational activities to make them consistent with the expectations established in plans, targets, and standards of performance.
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