The systematic process of identifying, measuring, influencing, and developing job performance of the employees in the organization in relation to the set norms and standards for a particular period of time in order to achieve various purposes.
It focuses people on doing the right things by clarifying their goals. It is in hand and driven by line management.
As an EPE policy organizations should find answers to the following questions before entering into the evaluation process.
Here should first identify what kind of employees should choose to evaluate. Are we evaluating only for a selected group or for all employees within an organization? As a selected group evaluation team can consider based on departments, permanent carder, and so on.
For this should choose the period to do the evaluation. To select that schedule there is 3 type of approaches.
Mainly here, the organization should decide who conducts the evaluation program. Evaluators may be immediate supervisors, subordinates, a set of supervisors, etc.
Here, is the frequency of the evaluation. Further, they decide the evaluation process as monthly, annually, once a year, twice a year, etc.
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Find out moreCompensation is the results or rewards that the employee receives in return for their work. Also, It includes profit sharing, Overtime payment, bonuses, sales commissions, recognition rewards, etc.
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