Grievance handling
contributes to the quality of the labor relations, the climate within a
workplace. The absence of an effective grievance mechanism can lead to
employee unrest.
Basically, it is a process of handling dissatisfied people within the organization.
A formal expression of individual
or collective employee dissatisfaction primarily, but not exclusively,
in respect of the appreciation or non-appriciation of collective
agreements, managerial policies and actions or custom and practice.
(salamon, 1987)
- Job related grievances
- The employee haven’t ability to perform relevant duties and responsibilities of the job.
- When they have to perform duties and responsibilities that are not in a given job description.
- When employee got job which is not relevant to their knowledge and skills.
- The training is not relate to the job.
- When they assigned lot of works that workers can not handle at once.
- Causes relating to working conditions.
- If worker face troublesome working conditions
- Poor relationship between the management and employees.
- When supervisors always give command or orders.
- Leadership styles
- Works biases.
- No availability of necessory materials, equipments and so on. Because of that job become difficult.
- personal management decisions related grievances such as policies, procedures and practices.
- Employee salaries and wages – when they do not receive payment according to their job.
- Transfers
- Promotions
- personal training – when they do not allow to workers to participate
- Leave – when officers do not allow them to take leave when they required
- Alleged violation related causes
- The managers breach the terms of the collective agreement.
- Arranging unfair punishments for workers.
- Avoiding responsibilities of the management.
- Decision making against past practices.
- Inappropriate personal behaviour
- When employee has unrealistic self-esteem.
- Workers unpractical attitudes of the life.
- When employee have unnecessary life styles. Such as unnecessary expenses.
- Illegal involvement of the workers.
Knowing Grievances
- Exit interview – Conduct a formal interview with employee who
are leaving the organization. So they can identify the reason to leave.
Also from that organization can reduce employee turnover rate.
- Attitude survey – Such as interviews, questioners. Annually or semi annually they can conduct.
- Complaints box – It is good to place complaint box in suitable place within the organization. For example : canteen
- Observation – They can directly or indirectly notice their employee behaviours.